With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Accidental food art

Ben nipped down to the BipBip for some potatoes for tea. I said he could get a bar of chocolate if he liked. After the sausage and mash, out it came. Ben gasped with delight "Mum, there's a Picasso man on my chocolate!" And so there was.

The rain finally worked it's way over to us, which was glorious, especially lying in bed listening to it in the early morning. It cleared up enough in the afternoon for my mini field trip to the beach and we had a good root around for interesting specimens, including a lovely ball of alga and an amazing leaf miner. We'd already had a viewing of rat-tailed maggots on the internet too. Did you know that they, the inhabitants of putrid pools, are the precursors of hoverflies, those things that eat up aphids and inhabit flower filled meadows? How incredible that one species can occupy two such different niches. Well we thought so anyway. Isn't life full of happy accidents?

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