With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

I guess and fear

What will become of the market, now that renovation is underway?

My best-laid schemes went agley today. The good work of my osteopath thrown to the winds and the plough; neither Mercadona nor the pork butchers had hearts to offer for the practical tomorrow; we waited, homework done, for the cable man to come to install wifi stuff, and he did come but later than expected, and it all took so long that the beach trip was cancelled (Tree, you were right, it doesn't happen does it! Hope you got your shopping done minimally and expertly); the house is covered in piles of stuff as a consequence; footy practice lasts so long it is 9pm before we get home and things got slower and slower. I'm not so tim'rous a wee beastie though. I am proudly sitting downstairs, blipping on my new wifi connection. I'll probably gain lots of weight now I don't have to trek upstairs to blip, though a bit of dancing to Youtube with the boys might keep me in check. This house of leaves an' stibble won't tumble yet. And I managed to read this at last, so hopefully some of you Blippers will be pleased with me.

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