With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Under scrutiny

Microscope work for my IGCSE class. They did really well and made beautiful botanical slides and drew the stain through expertly. A very practical group of students it seems. We then looked at anything that was fine enough lying around the lab. This is a dragonfly wing. Dissection for year 11 tomorrow. Lovely. I got the kidneys free from the butcher.

I was astounded by a conversation outside the boys' school this morning. It seems that a mother had taken it upon herself to discuss staff issues with all and sundry and spoke about a female teacher as if she had no rights whatsoever as another human being. You'd think we'd got a certain way in employment law and looking after people, and then the very people it protects lose their perspective in the blink of an eye.

Otherwise, the usual hectic evening, that will be even madder starting next week. I need some red meat for tea. And then a bit more of the boxed set for my eyes when the boys are in bed scrutinising the back of their eyelids.

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