Alignements de Carnac

The Carnac stones  are an exceptionally dense collection of megalithic sites around the village of Carnac, consisting of alignments and other features. More than 3,000 standing stones were hewn from local rock and erected by the pre/proto-Celtic people of Brittany and form the largest such collection in the world.  The stones were erected at some stage during the Neolithic period, about 5300 to 6500 years ago.

At the risk of offending any of the direct descendants of those pre/proto Celtic people, the alignments are - how shall I put this? - not straight. They are thought to have had some sort of religious significance, something to do with aligning with the sun at solstices and the like.  But frankly, if you are going to go to all that trouble, you may as well make them look neater. The nearby farmhouses may be rather run down but al least they had straight walls.

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