My Lovely Lena

I had a trip down to Southampton to see my lovely Lena today. I have not seen her since her awful car accident a few weeks where she got crushed against a wall by her own Chrysler - not the smallest car in the world! She had to have lots of metal work inserted into her left hip and femur.

I'm pleased to say she's doing really well, has nicley healed scars, is probably doing far more than she should be, can hobble short distances off her crutches, started driving again 2 days ago and if off to Cyprus to stay with her new love tomorrow against all advice but she feels she will recover quicker in the sunshine with someone who can look after her.

Over here, she runs several Air B'n'B's and she had a large backlog of laundry that needed sorting so I helped her with that before we went off for a spot of lunch together.

Meanwhile Mr W was turning even greyer as he couldn't get hold of me due to no phone reception where I was and not even my 'find my mobile'  worked!! That's the trouble with mobiles....they cause more trouble than they are worth sometimes!

Extras are of LL in her little eco bungalow!!

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