The 'C' word!

So I'm not the only one who has to say the 'C' Word instead of Iv said it! Saw this while out shopping with Mr W so had to blip it.

We were on a mission to find a mattress topper. Mr W decided to turn over the seasonal mattress today convinced it should have been done on the 1st of September even though we have forgotten for the last 2 years!  only to find its October it should be turned. So looks like I'm going to be even hotter at night now that we are laying on the Winter side!!!!

No mattress topper in stock so he's ordering it now. I was quite happy to adapt the old one so it didn't keep pinging off the sides!

Never mind. 

I also managed to bribe him into a box of maltesers. if he thinks I'm sharing, I shall just remind him of Tuesday night!!


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