
Yesterday, I found out that a friends 12 year old son died. He was one of a set of triplets. He battled for 2 years with DIPG (Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma  is the second most common type of primary, high grade brain tumour in children). 
I wasn't close to the family but it still broke my heart to even find out that it had happened. 

I was also aware that much of his battle was documented in great detail on his fathers facebook page (Camron Sumner Malik) and that Sumner would often write his own journal there. The whole family went to great lengths to fund raise for his treatment.

I had a look last night but what I wasn't expecting was an actual video of Sumners final breath and pictures of the while family including his 5 siblings, all hugging and crying over his still, lifeless, pale but peaceful body and while I was drawn to it, I also felt totally devastated at what I had just seen. 

It made me wonder why on earth anyone would document such a private event on such a public arena but I know everyone is individual. I understand the family want to raise awareness and funds for treatment of DIPG but should really keep the most intimate of moments such as the death of a child more private.

And does Facebook really allowed pictures of dead children??

I thought about the family all night, Sumner in particular. He was a very, very brave child who always looked happy and so peaceful right to the end. I messaged the family last night and sent them a picture of the Sunflowers on the dining room table as Sumners Fundraising was called Sunshine for Sumner with the use of Sunflowers.

So thats my blip for today. A bright, happy, radiant Sunflower. For Sumner.

And in other news, I'm off to get my hair trimmed this afternoon, the aerial has been checked, Iv done my own housework and the hot weather is back!

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