
I honestly thought it was Friday today. I'm that tired, and ready for a weekend. Or at least, a day off...

Ben did not want to go to school today. He's had a bad couple of nights, I think he's coming down with something. He was even more fed up when we finally got outside, with him in full wet weather gear, to find the sun had dried up all the puddles from the earlier torrential rain.

He had to be peeled off me by his teachers but had stopped crying at the very least by the time I was out of the room. There was no mention of him having a sad face the rest of the afternoon though when I picked him up later, and he happily zoomed his kitchen roll rocketship all the way home.

I spent the afternoon with Ruth talking through logistics for structuring art workshops for preschoolers, very productive in terms of things to think about and the next steps that I need to deal with before really approaching venues.

Once Ben got home though the evening just became stressful with hungry tired children and a hungry tired mama and a husband working on stuff upstairs. The plan had been to have chicken fajitas. And, eventually, after two tired children had nibbled their way through the evening, been given their dinner early, attempted to be put to bed, tickled each other and woken themselves up with hysterical giggling fits, I gave up and took them back downstairs where hubby cooked the flour tortillas I'd made and we slumped at the table to eat them before attempting bedtime again.

Hence the fajita photo. Eventually.

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