Ten months old

Charley is 10 months old today!

Tots this morning. Ben was off in the blink of an eye, and Charley went off and did his own thing too and I really only needed to keep an eye on him to know where he was and that he wasn't climbing any more garages, King Kong style. He did steal a bigger kid's ride-on toy though. Thankfully Zeke thought it was pretty funny that Charley had crawled over, pulled himself up on the car, and walked off pushing it!

The craft was bread kneading. Neither boy was interested but Chrissy gave me a lump of dough to take home which I plaited and baked when we got in, and the boys devoured. Must make some more homemade bread. We had a late lunch of snack food (pork pies, coleslaw, that kind of thing) and Ben decided he wanted to sit next to Charley, to feed him! They were both pretty happy about this!

Steve was out all day at the church office and so while the boys did their thing I caught up on the laundry and dishes.

He was home really really late. I don't mind him being late (I've told him all this, it's ok!) but I do mind not knowing what's happened and whether I should be concerned or not. How long after someone is due home should you start worrying? I was beginning to after two hours with no word.

So we had very little time to cook fajitas before Steve was due out to the pub with the new neighbour, but at least I'd made the dough already. Tonight was chilli fajita wraps, with the rest of the guacamole we made yesterday.

Only I didn't read what I'd written on the side of the jar that I dug out of the cupboard and we had meatless bolognese with our tortillas instead of chilli.

Need to label my jars more clearly.

The boys were so so tired by bedtime that almost as soon as Steve had gone out they both started screaming and crying, but at least they went to sleep quickly. I stayed with them for a long while. It paid off - I got the most urgent bits of housework done, and then managed to get Ben's birthday invites printed and several more cups painted up before Charley woke!

Charley at 10 months

Crawls, Mowgli-style
Climbs up stairs
Can climb down off things, but needs a little prompt to remember how
Cruises round the furniture
Walks, pushing his pushalong trolley
Pushes anything pushable if it helps him get somewhere without crawling
Enjoys pretty much whatever food you put in front of him
Has cereal for breakfast, in a bowl, stuck to his tray, feeds himself
Has a sippy cup of water available, and can use it easily
Has a useful vocabulary. "ma ma ma ma", "da da da", "beh beh beh". You can guess those. "Maaa" generally means more. It sounds different to mama. Then he has his siren noises. There's the happy siren, quiet(ish). Then there's the "there is something wrong and I need mama to fix it now" siren. Loud. Insistent. Unignorable. It is not a whingey noise. It is a demand.
He plays with Ben, follows him around, wants to be where Ben is.
He will play happily in creche without me, investigating by himself.
He happily sleeps in the wrap during the day, either on Steve or on me.
He loves his Dad LOTS.
He reaches out his friendship hands more readily.
He loves Ruth.
He tolerates Hayley!!
He goes to sleep at night lying across my body, nursing, and sleeps at my right hand side.
He has no teeth.
He gives slobbery kisses to me and Ben and Steve. They are very slobbery.
He lunges over to cuddle Ben at bedtime.
His laugh is amazing and makes me smile every time!

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