
Bean likes his workbook, it's really a sticker book at the moment but we're kind of theming the stickers and the things we put in it. We've got a lot of dinosaur stickers, and a lot of photos from the nature walks we've done, and we've got pirate stickers and photos from the pirate play he's had with Grandad. So this morning we decided to do some writing and sticking. We've put some headings into the workbook. He wanted to write "pirates" and "dinosaurs" and stuck a few more stickers in. He's getting good at dot-to-dot writing, holding the pencil pretty good, and recognising more letters. He's also getting pretty good at figuring out words that start with the same sound, and words that sound the same! I'm impressed, really.

This afternoon we went out to Caterpillars again. Bean made a new friend playing with the train tracks. When I asked him later if he could remember his new friend's name, he said "Frank." Leo was his little boy (I remembered the little boy's name.) but when I told mum about his new friends Bean piped up saying he didn't really know the man's name so just called him Frank!!! Bear played with the ride-on toys and some other bits and pieces, and nearly got pulled out of a car with an arm around his neck but was rescued by the other boy's mum - he's not sure how to deal with all these kids he doesn't know. He's not sure how to deal with other kids snatching and pushing. I made a new friend though. Finally plucked up the courage to say hello, and Bear came along and climbed up onto my knee and started nursing and shoved his hand down my top for the other boob and that was it - she laughed saying her little girl might have stopped nursing but she still shoved her hand down her top when snuggling! Hope to see her again next week, might go to another toddler group she's told me about on Friday but we'll see.

Off to Gran and Grandad's after Caterpillars. Bear fell asleep in the wrap on the way home, but woke up for the car journey. He was a bit grumpy and clingy, not his usual self at all. When it was time to go home in the evening he really tried to go to sleep but couldn't, kept crying and moaning, moaning the "I have a fever" moan, and when we got home although Bean had finally fallen asleep Bear was definitely running a fever and took a LONG time to settle. Steve's mum and dad arrived for the family pow-wow they'd requested but before I could sit down with them Bear woke up again. Gave him some calpol and brought him into the meeting to nurse and snuggle on me and he drowsed a little but had a fever all through the night poor thing.

The family meeting went well, questions answered, hopefully all the parents felt a bit more at ease now with where we're at with the house move. Hard to answer questions when we barely know where we're at ourselves... the move is very much a work in progress! Have some more ideas though, and Steve and I at least are feeling much more positive about things now.

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