With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Boxed set

The only shot I took today for reason. There were about four generations oohing and ahhing over the baby when I went past the bottom of the alley, but they'd dispersed a little by the time I'd decided to go back for the shot.

I was on my way back from the electricity company, still confused by their application of the new VAT rate on a bill that predates the rise. They gave me a piece of paper that says that Article 75. One. Seventh of the IVA law 37/92 says that they can do what the bloody hell they like. So if the Government decide to put VAT upto to 200% tomorrow, you will have to pay that rate on any bill you pay even if it was for previous consumption. How did that get through?

Anyway, after an afternoon of asking Pau, Ben's friend, what his favourite colour etc. was and having a good giggle at his fondness for red teachers (T shirts), white knickers (Ben's contribution) and that he has eleven fingers, he finished up having a better English accent than all of us. Well done Pau!

And now I'm going to watch a boxed set of something else very English.

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