I was feeling brighter, but then ...

I was watching TV last night when I suddenly remembered that I hadn't locked the shed. So I wandered up to the top of the garden and as I got to the step I grabbed hold of a post to help me get up the step...well the post was rotten & snapped & I started to fall backwards. I over-corrected and instead fell forwards & up the step ... I couldn't believe that I had done it again. When I got up off the slabs I realised that both arms were hurting one of my ankles wasn't good & both hips were a little painful too. Anyhow I locked the shed came back in and examined my left arm - I'd cut it. I looked at my ankle & I'd cut that too...and by the time I sat down both arms were painful....following an injection I went to bed....The cuts were minor but my right arm was giving me some bad pain. Now almost 24 hrs later I'm just about to have another injection and hope everything is better tomorrow....stupid ! stupid ! stupid ! ....

So I'm back to square one.....I hope not

A fine sunny day 

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