Project coming together.

It's all starting to come together, and we can start to tick rooms completed now. I say completed but there is a week of small jobs after the floor gets coated next week. But essentially we are starting to finish rooms off.

Here's the new front room. This used to be a dungeon. The floor sucked any light out of it, the walls were just horrible. Not a nice place to be. But now it's light, much more airy; it's a nice space now. Same goes for the bedrooms, all the darkness has been removed and the rooms are light and airy themselves.

This is the nice part of the project as the end really is in sight. Having tomorrow off, and we'll get this finished on Thursday/Friday.

After that it's a case of finishing the bathroom (external contractor), and sorting floors. And about 3 miles of caulking. Then we really are done. (Apart from a wall that needs a bit of help. But that's it.)

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