Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Pickled Onions

Miss H left us today. As I am so annoyed that one of my favourite people is going to work elsewhere I teased her mercilessly the whole day. Fortunately she made this easy for me by coming in in a very stripy dress which caused me to invent the following joke:
Q: Why is Miss H like a jar of Morrison’s own brand picked onions?
A: Because they have the same bar code.
We went for lunch in the local Thai and then did the traditional send off in the kitchen with presents and speeches and a few less than dry eyes. She has been very popular and will be sorely missed.
As for the rest of the day, bladder buster of a detailed finance meeting for two and a half hours this morning. Lot of people clearly taking a very long weekend with the bank holiday coming up so a lot of absentees, but we did have people calling in from Swansea and Cornwall, which is dedication for you.
Nice hour in a pub garden on the way home, pint in my hand and a local cat on my lap.

Good weekend’s weather in prospect but I need to use some of it for some personal planning. This week has been very thought provoking in terms of change, health and personal capacity. Or to put it another, blunter way: I don’t want the stress (again)…

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