Little Cutie

I was originally down for working overtime today on the late shift, but as it turns out they didn't need me, and to be honest I was really pleased as I'm so tired, plus it was a lovely sunny day!

This morning I went and had my nails done and then at lunch time I met Sandra at Pells Pool in Lewes for a training practice as we're both swimming in the All out Swim to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Care - I'm doing a 2km swim and Sandra is doing 5km.  It's the first time I've been to Pells and I'd been warned that the water temperature is very cold as it's a freshwater pool.  I'd also been advised to wear a wetsuit, so I'd borrowed one to try, and at first was very glad I had as it was freezing!   The only problem is that the wetsuit isn't really made for swimming so I found it extremely difficult and had to get out and take it off after only 4 lengths.  I then had no option but to brave the temperature and carry on just in my swimming costume.  I managed to do the full 2km but I can't say it was enjoyable!  

Sandra has a triathlon wet suit which is much lighter, but she said she still finds it harder.  As I swim breaststroke, I could do with a sleeveless one and one that is above the knee, but I don't really want to pay for one when I'm not likely to use it again.  Also what worries me is getting one and then still not being able to swim in it, but we're going to go to the watersports shop over the weekend and see if they have anything in the sale or see what they advise.

On my way home I stopped at Falmer to take some photos of the view, but spotted a field with lots of calves, and I thought this one was rather cute.  The rest of the afternoon was spent with my feet up as my swim had taken it out of me!

It was my Uncle Jim's funeral today, so my thoughts are with the rest of my family and I feel bad that I'm not there, but it was on the Wirral and due to the distance and the fact that I was supposed to be working, I'd said I couldn't go.  In all honesty though, I'd have been too tired to make the journey and my cousin is staying with mum so she wasn't going alone.

RIP Jim xx

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