Growing old disgracefully



I'm a bit ashamed of this hasty blip, taken on my aye phone while running down the escalator at Princes Square after an enjoyable lunch and natter with jettygirlx. Why was I rushing? Yes, once again I have managed to over commit myself. I believe in pacing, heck I even teach people to pace themselves and yet I shamefully fall into the bad habit of overfilling the diary once again. As if the coming week or so were not manic enough, I have agreed to an extra meeting on Tuesday to discuss how I can support one of our emergency services with stress.

All of this bleating about how busy I am is a gentle introduction to this announcement: I hope to manage to keep blipping over the next ten weeks while I take the OU T189 photography course, but I don't think I will have time to comment on all your images, which is another shame as seeing and commenting on your work is such a privilege and a big part of my late evening activity.

In Renfrewshire, we have been spared the flooding today
A big bowl of pasta with a pal for lunch - a winning combination
Enjoying my alternative fantasy life as a Snow Queen, courtesy of my newly arrived Gudrun Sjoden catalogue

The Professor and I swam 10 lengths at 7 am this morning, before breakfast. We have been cunningly planning this for a while, but our diaries as so full. We felt really superior as we drove home in the early light, a warm smug glow that will have to last a while as who knows when we will have a free morning again (do you think that is deliberate?)

*Listening to Shame; A TED talk by Brene Bown

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