A special request!!

My play pal asked if I could feature today, so here I am!!

For anyone who hasn't met me. My name is Amber and I'm a short haired German Pointer. It's now 3 weeks since I moved to my new home and left all my doggie family up north. I will be 13 weeks old tomorrow and weigh almost 10kgs. I've grown loads since I arrived, most of the growth is in my legs and feet. People are saying that I will "grow in to them", well I hope that I grow into my ears as well, because they a bit on the big side!!

I'm learning to do things that a well behaved dog is supposed to do, but I'm a bit confused about this gardening lark. The lady of the house is allowed to dig things up, chop things off and generally tidy up, but when I do the same I get told off!! It's a dogs life...isn't it :0)

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