Fishing on the Lake

Mono was the only choice today. Overnight rain left a day that never cleared, being dull and uninteresting all day. I went swimming first off, followed by visits to Wickes and Aldi on the way home.

The first part of the afternoon was spent doing things of various kinds before friends Dennis and Irene came over for tea and scones. We had planned a long walk with them today but Susan's injury made that not a good idea and anyway, in the end the weather would have made it very disappointing.

However, we did go for a walk in Mote Park and around, I had an altercation with a fisherman (not this one) on Mallards Lake who was frightening swans off by throwing things at them. He seemed to think this behaviour was acceptable.

We spent the evening at the Bell pub, which was very pleasant and made a good end to the day.

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