Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2017 Friday -- Looking Away from the Sunset

This is our final Friday evening on the coast for this August. The sunset show was simply stupendous! The view of both directions was beautiful. So this is sort of a panorama.

This summer here on California's Central Coast has been, on one hand quite lovely, and on another, a learning experience. The pace has been unusually slow, but at this moment, it seems to have happened in a flash.

With an overcast sky lasting many days beyond noon, mornings have been long and lovely. Afternoons rapidly raced and evenings extended, especially in early summer, to beyond bedtime. So, we broke curfew to crawl into bed late.

The hi-lites of this 2017 summer are numerous (and I'm so thankful for my habit of daily journal keeping). The first that comes to mind is the short, but enormously enjoyable visit with granddaughter Ashly, and her good friend Lindsay. They brought with them the very best weather we've enjoyed all summer. Another hi-lite is the people we have met. Vivian and her therapy dog Pippin were delightful, and they came to see our little lavender house. Finding the Friesen family at the beach was the sweetest surprise. Then just yesterday we met Jerry & Gerri, a couple from Bakersfield. They stopped on the sand to pet our dogs. They enjoy this little Coast town like we do. Definitely a hi-lite has been Farmers Market visits and bringing home the most delicious soup (every time) that we've ever tasted; then dining to the song and the sight of the Pacific Ocean and its panorama just beyond our windows. Strolling the sandy shore with our three pups whenever we choose to has been the fulfillment of a childhood teenage dreams.

So, we have a few days left to enjoy, and that's what we are about going to do.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka

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