Tiny Tuesday...Kernels of Korn
I know it could be debated, but I think my state of Michigan has the best sweet corn in the United States. SHUCKS...I think it is the best in the world!
You pull back the husks, you rip off the shank, and you pick off the silk to reveal the luscious kernels. Then (after you cook it)...you eat. Butter...light salt...heavy pepper. Trust me...it is aMAIZEing.
Everything you always wanted to know about corn. Or...is...it? Since it is Tiny Tuesday...how many tiny kernels are on each ear of corn? The one I counted had 18 rows with 36 kernels in each row. 18 x 36 =648 kernels. 648 kernels!!!
A corny old joke to end. Hope you haven't hEARd it.
Q. Why shouldn't you tell secrets on a farm? A. Because the potatoes have eyes, the corn has ears, and the green beans stalk.
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