Saved by the bell?

well not exactly.....I didnt have a blip for today until about half an hour ago, when hub called out from the kitchen to come see this sky :-))

Not seen one like this for a good few weeks, so beautiful.....hope it signals a nice day tomorrow!!!

We walked into town this morning, got a couple of things we needed then had a coffee and light lunch in Reds Cafe.

Spent the afternoon editing some photos to wedding book ive been doing, as a gift for DiLs parents :-)

The sun came out late afternoon, so we sat out for a little while, with a cuppa. Then hub said there were lots of ripe tomatoes that needed picking, so off he went. This led to me making a large batch of pasta sauce, with chillis, garlic, oregano and onions, all from the garden........just put it into containers, tastes really good!

I then made some chicken wrapped in maple syrup bacon and fresh pineapple skewers, with tomatoes and coleslaw for dinner.......its still one of ours favs ;-)

Spent most of this evening watching the athletics.....more disappointment for Team GB :-/ hoping Laura Muir can get amongst the medals shortly!!

In other news, its my sis and BiLs 35th wedding anniversary today......she has fallen over one of Kobis toys early yesterday morning, in the dark, ended up at A&E today, broken her big toe, foot black and blue!!! Dont think we will be doing too much tomorrow!!

Finally, today would have been my dear Dads' 84th birthday....been thinkig of him xx

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