Dug up

We slept like logs last night having lasted until 11.30pm at our neighbours' Silver Wedding surprise party ;-)

Not much time for photography today, so another quick garden safari.....spotted this correopsis flower that has come up beside our yew tree. Its quite a rampant leggy variety and I thought I had dug it all out last year, but no!
I do love the flower though, so maybe its got a reprieve :-)

We spent most of today with youngest son and DiL ........the deal was lunch, so long as we took garden implements to prune a couple of trees in their front garden ;-) They look much tidier now......they are thinking of putting their house on the market.

Lunch was lovely, as was the company, lots to catch up on, as its been five weeks since we last met up in Southampton. Time flew and before we knew it six hours had passed!!

The weather took a turn for the worse...raining heavily, and cool too!!

Just watched the last episode of Poldark...... roll on next year!!!!!

Hope its dry tomorrow, really want to take my camera out :-( but its not looking very promising!!

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