Busy buzzy bee

Unlike us today.......not the day we had in mind!

Neither of us could sleep last night, despite having worked really hard, so we were downstairs drinking tea, watching the Olympics at 1.45am.......we stayed up until 2.45 so saw Adam Peaty beat his own world record :-) once back to bed we did get off to sleep, but needless to say, we both feel somewhat jaded today, on less than 6 hours sleep, so not much of anything other an a lazy day!!

A quick walk, got the sunday papers, and had dippy eggs as a brunch today, since it was way past breakfast time by the time we surfaced properly!

Was hoping to watch my team in the Charity Sheild this,afternoon,,only to be disappoints to,find it was on BT :-( guess it will have to be MOTD tonight instead, if,I,can stay awake that long!

We've had red and white quinoa with oven roasted tomatoes, fried onions, celery, toasted pine nuts, garlic, parsley and griddled tuna for dinner......and some cous cous with lemon, mint, chives, pomegranate seeds mixed in. I really e joyed it, but hub said it was alright, and that he'd have it again in twelve months ;-)

Another garden blip I'm afraid.....it's been really windy today here, but the bees are not bothered by that as you can see........he was very happy on the oregano flowers in the herb bed :-)

Happy anniversary to my sis and BiL today and it would have been Dads 83rd birthday too.......happy birthday Dad xxxx

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