My Wee Pal Butterfly

Unheard of - slept until 9am.
Yesterday must have really taken it out of me.
So it was a bit later than expected when we arrived to see butterfly.
The the welcome was well worth it.
We played, we cuddled, we laughed, we shopped until she dropped.
Then we had lunch. 
By that time No1 was home from work so we all went to Derwent Dam (where The Dam Busters practiced their low level flying).
That was where we dropped out own bomb on Butterfly and gave her her birthday present a few days early.
She has never ridden a bike before but she loved it and took to it like a duck to water. I don't think it will take long before the stabilisers are raised and then not long until they are removed.
Tho celebrate, we all had ice-cream. Butterfly wore hers with pride.
Back at the hotel this evening it was wine time and a couple of shots of the remaining colour in the sky. I don't think the clouds would have added much to the sunset somehow.

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