Returning Japanese

Well I thought Id have a play with words, as a nod to my camera and my first blip since its repair and return.

Japanese as in Nikon and Japanese as in anemone.

Having been without it for a month, it certainly makes you appreciate the crisp sharpness and quality of the images.

We both had a shocking night last night, both downstairs having a cup of tea at 3.15am. Back up to bed, both still awake at was coming light and the birds had started their dawn chorus.....we shut the windows, put the ceiling fan on, earplugs in and somehow managed to get 4.5 hours.......typically, we are going out tonight! We hardly ever go out at the weekend, hope we can stay awake!!!

Not done a lot today, walked into town this morning, hubs foot is plaguing him too, so thats not helping!! Pottered around at home, done some laundry. Treated ourselves to toasted bagel with scrambled egg and smoked salmon for lunch.....very decadent ;-))

Its nice when the sun is out but its quite windy, chilly in the shade.

Im still playing catch up a little with osme journals, but getting there!!

Hope youre all enjoying your weekend!

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