Long Day

And another day with an early night. Absolutely knackering at the moment on the house, and a few longer days coming up.

Today we decided that to cheer ourselves up - we'd get the floor sander in and remove the dark varnish crap off the hardwood floors once and for all. The floors are proper old hardwood floors and at some point were totally darkened up. The dark floors suck the light out of the rooms, and one of the bedrooms is even darker yet had a pale finish - talk about contrasting in a bad way.

So we collected the sander just before midday and then got to work with it. First 32 grit and then we sharpened up with a 24 grit (32 just didn't cut it).

Floor also turned out to be oak rather than pine, which was nice.

The difference in the rooms was more or less instant. Totally different in each of the three rooms. Tomorrow we have a bit more sanding to do, and then get it back to the store before 24 rental time elapses.

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