Self - new hair!

Lots of hoping that hubby wasn't watching me as I took this picture. Lots of running between camera and sofa, checking hair in mirror, checking pout, checking pose, running (carefully, so as not to move hair) back to the camera, back to the sofa, pose, check camera, sigh. Try again. Happy with this though. I hate taking pictures of myself, although I should do it more often because then I will get better as assuming a respectable "photo" face which I won't be cringing at every time I look at the picture.

Anyway - new hairdo! Steve had the boys this morning and took them with him to the surgery to request an urgent prescription (been meaning to go all week, and suddenly realised this morning that it was Friday and I didn't have enough needles to get me through the weekend) and to see about registering himself. He came back with glowing reports from the receptionist about both our boys! Ben had been fabulously well behaved (far more so than many children apparently) and Charley had even deigned to allow himself to be cuddled by the (very broody) receptionist while Steve filled forms in. And Steve earned Fab Daddy marks for babywearing too!

So while he was distracting the boys I was able to go and get my hair cut. Now there's a lass I follow on instagram goes by the name of carrythem and I LOVE her hair. Shorn on one side, bit floppy on the other, very very very cool. Would love to have the courage to have my hair like that. I wonder where my courage went? A few years ago I wouldn't think twice. Maybe I'm getting old. Still, I have gone short again and lopsided, not quite shorn on one side, but much much shorter. The hairdresser said to go back if it's too long still ;) Anyway her challenge was to give me a haircut that when I looked in the mirror I wasn't depressed at seeing a haggard 30-something mum of two. Which I am, maybe not so haggard, but tired. With what was a very mumsy haircut which needed a change so I am very pleased with the result! AND Steve likes it so that is a result :D

Ben was off to preschool again this afternoon. Charley was wrapped up on my back and off we went. We were a little late so he went straight into the garden instead of the front door but that didn't matter. He gave me a kiss then came running back to give me a cuddle as well - and to give Charley a kiss and a cuddle to say see you later! His teacher (happened to be the preschool manager today) was grinning at this :) We chatted a bit after Ben had gone in happily. Charley is signed up to heuristic play sessions starting in November which I'm looking forward to, and we chatted about them and about Ben. He is well loved by his teachers, they all say how sweet he is and helpful. On Monday he was a "helper" although what that was I have no idea. The other children seek him out to play with him. Melts my heart to hear that. He's been telling me who his friends are, there's two specific girls who he knows the names of, and a little boy who he plays with who he says is his friend but can't remember his name. Ben says he's a black little boy, so with that information I have asked his teacher to find out who it could be. Have to make birthday invitations soon so I need to know some names really!

Steve went out for another business meeting while Ben was at school, and so Charley and I were left to our own devices. Charley really really misses Ben, it's incredible how much he misses him! I hope he gets used to it because it's going to happen twice every week! We made strawberry lassi and scraped the yoghurt pot clean and shared some of the lassi, we had chocolate fingers, he got chocolate all over the dial on the washing machine as he stopped a cycle mid way through, and then he got fed up while I was trying to do something on the computer and yelled at me until the smell reached my nostrils. A particularly bad nappy change later, straight onto the boob, and fast asleep.

So he was still asleep (made the transfer to wrap without a hitch) when we went to pick Ben up. And still asleep almost two hours later. Poor old Ben was exhausted after school, and wanted cuddles with mama, and his tea and his bed but we were still waiting for Charley to come round so I could make tea.

When Charley did finally come round we were in the kitchen. I handed him to Steve, he sat on his knee, rubbed his eyes sleepily and then his face split into the biggest grin as he saw Ben was home, bounced up and down as Ben came to give him a cuddle, and happily and joyfully hit Ben on the head!! That seems to be the current manifestation of joy: hitting his brother happily on the head. Ah well, could be worse!

So the boys had sticks of cheese and buttered toast for their tea, and went to bed while Steve carried on cooking a huge batch of chilli to can. Then the boys decided not to settle down. Charley hit Ben on the head and climbed over me to try and eat Ben's cheek. Which resulted in both boys giggling and not much trying to sleep so I gave up and took them back downstairs so Steve and I could have bacon sandwiches while the chilli carried on cooking.

They're finally asleep in bed. Steve's just shown me a picture of them, having been upstairs - Charley's out for the count and catching flies, and Ben has wriggled right over to him and is snuggled up next to him! Not sure where I'm going to sleep at this rate... And the chilli is finally cooked and canned - 4 meals' worth, hurrah!

Tomorrow we need to cook the chicken.... fajitas for tea, stock to cook, and chicken to freeze for various meals next week.

And now for that cup of tea (decaf) with my hubby.

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