
Ben has been full of cold today so we opted for pyjamas, calpol and cuddles. And cbeebies. And I did some painting which Ben wasn't impressed with (he wasn't interested either, he was more interested in cuddles). Somehow over the course of the day I managed to get these lions painted, drawn and cut out, and have nearly finished making Ben's birthday party invitations. He's getting a little obsessed with his birthday - keeps asking to go out, and when I ask where to, he replies to his birthday party!

This afternoon I had enough though: after being awake so much last night with Ben snuffling and crying out I needed sleep. I told Ben I was going to bed and if he wanted a cuddle he should come too - he came along and we both fell asleep.

I woke up to news that a friend's son had died :( and I cried and cried. Even though they live many miles away, they are still part of my extended Christian family. I'm kind of glad Ben was still asleep, I don't think he would have understood that kind of grief just yet. I will keep praying for the rest of the family though as they are still critically ill in intensive care following a house fire yesterday morning. I held Ben so tightly when he woke up.

As another, very wise, friend has said: "Don't ask why. We're not the final arbiters of truth or justice in this place. Just be thankful for the sun rising each morning and for each breath you take. And for the love that makes the life you have worth living."

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