Party time

Church this am with a rather excited little C who kept telling everyone it was his party this afternoon. We did some colouring in Sunday school, shared holiday plans and then headed home for lunch.

It was v soon time to pack the car with cake, balloons and decorations and head to the adventure park for C's party.

We set up camp in the party chalet and C's friends started arriving. What a great party, there was lots of hot food, the children played far and wide on all sorts and we had a party train ride too. We were so lucky with the weather which held of rain amazingly after a wet morning.
Cloves it whenwe all sang happy birthday and we cut the cake. His friends liked the party bags and goodies and we ended up all bouncing on the bouncy pillows and in the crazy golf.

A quick tour of the animals and it was time for home. C had a fab time opening his presents back home and declared his Lego storm trooper one of the favourites! He went to bed very happy with a deep sea diver Lego set in bed!!

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