My view

2years 336days - 35 months

EEK. The birthday countdown begins... a month until I no longer have a 2 year old. Not a toddler, a big girl 3 year old. She's growing into the role well already though, to be honest. I have begun the party planning, the present sneaking in to the house (not helped by parcel force arriving and waving a box with the photo of its contents at the window where she's watching). Not sure I can prepare myself for it though! Toooo fast for sure!

She's had a happy morning already, woke up in a lovely chatty mood and kept telling me she was going to have cornflakes for breakfast at nursery, then stood impatiently by the door waiting for me to hurry up to take her. No tears, a big snuggle and a kiss, she sat nicely at the nursery breakfast table, having skipped in the rain. In her onesie.

Katie at 35 months
*Can peel a banana and satsuma by herself
*gets to 20 without missing out 18 now
*recognises more letters, identifies what more words start with
*makes up pretend names if she doesnt know someones name
*touches her head with her feet on request
*doesnt have a daytime sleep
*picks fresh blackberries every morning

*Finding Nemo & Sleeping Beauty
*A bath as soon as she gets up. At 6am.
*Her winter onesies
*Dipping sausage rolls in her babyccino
*blackberries fresh from the bush

*Paralympic games
*Trip to the Olympic stadium
*Visit to M&M world
*TV appearance
*Trip on the Scarborough miniature steam train
* Indoor sledging (first proper sledging on her own, full stop actually)
* Donkey ride
*Time on a red carpet (gate crashing preparation for a Leicester Sq movie premiere)

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