Ballet portrait

2years 337days

This is Katie's first formal ballet portrait. Studio portrait in ballet uniform. With the advantage that Mummy was the person doing the ballet school photos, so I have the rights to publish it here! I put it on my computer monitor and was shocked. She looks so grown up. She looks like a little girl, not a toddler. She looks ready to be 3.

Katie absolutely LOVED ballet today. She giggled with delight at so much of the class and was full of it. Just loved it. She's made 2 really lovely little friends now and thats helped. But she was on total top form. A very brief wobble for a few minutes when she realised Monkey had been left at home, but then back to dancing with gusto. She was so excited she just couldnt contain herself, the little excited legs and arms were going in between each different movement/activity.

This afternoon we are visiting my goddaughter and her family. We're going to do photos but also to have some time with them as we've not seen them in ages and miss them lots! They're treating us to a takeaway for tea, so it should be a lovely afternoon.

The Katie ballet Series

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