Death by love

Lily adores SmellyKittenCat but it is not mutual.

The power of positive thought was not successful and I ended up yelling at Lily in the wee small hours as she decided to lie in her bed and scream because she was bored of being on her own...

Anyway, Red decided that the day was to begin moments after 6am so we were at school bright and early! I wandered into town enjoying the sunshine and had a Cheeky Killigrew before meeting Clare for a meeting about Christmas Trees...

It finished in time for me to walk home and hang some washing out before I needed to collect Red. Only the car wouldn't start. So Clare came to my rescue and collected me, then Red and brought us both home.

I called the RAC and explained the situation and we agreed I would be marked as none urgent and that someone would get to me after 3.45 so I could go on the school run which takes about an hour on foot thanks to Lily and Red. So imagine my surprise when the RAC man turned up at 2.35...

The lovely Clare delivered Bella back from her residential on her way past. She was shattered and a tad grumpy. There were tears shed as I reminded her it is Guides night. But I channeled my Dad and reminded her that when we commit to something we commit to it and being a bit tired is not an excuse...

Fortunately he was a done by the time we had to leave for Brownies. We had a most excellent night - our Brownies are THE BEST - making 3 types of biscuits with Selena in charge! A splendid if chaotic way to finish the day off!

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