
By LadyPride

Perfectly Lonely

Chuckles was still in situ today. Thought it might be touch and go after a broken night of her waking up every hour or so from 1am but the second Audrey opened her eyes this morning and smiled at me; I knew we were in for another good day.

Snuck back to bed during her first nap. Had turned the heating on and it knocked me out, she must have been crying for a few minutes before I came round which is worrying!

Set off for a walk after her 10am feed. Am so glad she likes the pram again, makes life so much easier.

Today's blip pic is of a pub I often walk past in Chorlton. The beer garden is always full of men nursing a solitary pint, regardless of the time of day. This was taken at eleven this morning. Puts me in mind of the title of one of my favourite John Mayer songs, Perfectly Lonely. A sentiment I can identify with as I'm often really happy with my just my own company (and Audrey's too of course!)

This afternoon our new childminder Gemma was on duty giving me chance to do some work, pay some bills etc. I even managed a run. It felt amazing. Snuck down and spied on Gemma playing with Audrey half way through the day (well, wouldn't you?) and I have to say she's brilliant. Really calm, yet chatty and she looks to be genuinely enjoy playing with her. Audrey looked enthralled. So pleased I found her, she makes my life much much easier.

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