Another fine day (Day 790)

After an early wander up the hill in the sunshine this morning, I spent a little while doing some paperwork, before zooming into town to check some prices for quotes I need to send out.
Back at home, and after a quick lunch, I loaded the woofers into the van and we headed for Mum and Dad's. I arrived to find mum fiddling around with a drain, so I took over. The drain wasn't blocked but a fault in the way it has been routed means that it allows smells to get out of the drain and into the garage. I will sort it soon.
Mum, Dad and I headed off to Warebeth for a wander with the woofers. Absolutely fabulous in the sunshine.
I finished off the afternoon doing a bit of strimming for mum before heading home and rustling up some dinner for my beautiful wife.

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