Paper City

We've had a ball of a day today! We drove to the city to explore the Paper City trail, another City of Culture bit of fabulousness. Its a huge collaboration with GF Smiths and there's installations around the Fruit Market on the docks of Hull. They were brilliant. There's a trail too of colours to collect on a map, so of course we did that - she does love a good trail. I hadn't really imagined spending 2.5 hours wandering round the city centre, but we did and we had a glorious time. 

We then drove out to the bridge and met my parents for late lunch. Only we arrived to discover that there was a Soapbox Derby taking place today. After lunch, we learnt something new of Katie. She doesn't like Soapbox Derbys. She does however like the cowbells you can buy at one.The sun was truly out by then and we had a walk down to the river banks and a play in the small park. We scrambled back up the hill (well, she and I did... climbing the net climbing frame was Grandad's limit) and drove to get an ice cream. 

Grandad suggested a park he knew of to sit and eat our ice creams. It turned out to be a reall good park! Katie had a brilliant time playing in the play area, and finally mastered monkey bars. We walked a bit more, finding the pond and coming across a second play area with more monkey bars. We had a family time on the outdoor gym, to much hilarity before we headed to my house. 

Katie went with G&G and I went home stopping first at the pizza shop for take out tea. Katie played her festival piano piece to them while I got the food and we had a very yummy tea. They left to head off for a City of Culture event of their own and Katie & I worked on her clarinet piece before she snuggled into bed, sunkissed and happy. 

A couple of extras as it was fun to have the proper camera out and I enjoyed the paper! 

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