Who knew...

.... that it is entirely feasible to scoot at speed with a monkey in your arm....

This is the only photo I took today, so that's the blip! She announced to me this morning that she lost a pad off her clarinet at the end of last nights concert so mild panic occurred this morning as I had to attempt to find someone to fix it, what with both teachers being unavailable. Frustratingly it cant be done until Tuesday. However, we have been fortunate as another teacher friend has said it shouldn't be able to play properly with the missing pad but it is, pretty much. We don't have time to lose 5 days of practise, with festival 6 days away! Anyway, so far it's fairing acceptably well to keep practising. She worked hard this morning and after school & it did fine for school orchestra. Hoping it hangs on until Tuesday night....

She danced a lot today, stretching in her room this morning and just dancing away after school. I routinely have to tell her to stop dancing to do whatever job she's been sent to do. A lot of times a day. Today was worse (better in katie land... even more dancing) than normal! She was full of it when I dropped her to dance class and even more full of it when she came out!

PS those little leg muscles!

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