Lizzie's Big Adventure

Not to state the obvious but Lizzie needs some exercise and so I've been taking her outside in the evenings.  She used to have her own enclosed yard with no neighborhood cats to speak of, at least none that invaded her territory.  We have lots of cats around now and no fenced yard so I've been cautious about letting her out for a couple reasons; one, she's not very sociable and; two, I don't want the inevitable vet bill if she tangles with a neighbor (hers or her opponent's).  Well, so far, she's run off one brave soul who ventured too close and made nasty noises at another, but no fights.  Buddy, the dear, sweet neighbor cat sat and watched her growl and hiss the other day and then, flashing a very bored expression, turned and walked off.  I'm hoping she's all bluff and no action and will get used to other cats so I can let her enjoy the outdoors.   

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