
Church this morning. Steve on PA, and me on my first creche duty since having Charley. I was only 20 minutes late, which is a whole 40 minutes earlier to church than I was last week so by that standard I think I did alright getting me and the boys out. Baby thanksgiving today, lovely to hear such thankfulness to God for children. The next one is 25th November - Charley's birthday, and the grandparents will be here for that anyway, so I don't think we'll get away with not being part of it next time ;-) Must remember to put our names down...

Then we managed to invite ourselves to one of the after-parties :-/ Ben was devastated that he wasn't going to his friend's house with another friend so I texted her to see if it was ok if we popped round for a bit - and we ended up the last ones to leave! Ben and his friend wanted to watch a DVD so we stayed through the clearup! Still feel kinda uncomfortable about it :-/ although some lovely girls have set my mind at ease about this :-)

Charley has used today as a day to practise CLIMBING. He figured out how to climb the step up to the concrete deck last week, and this morning I came back out of the boys' room having dug clothes out for them, to see Charley ambling along the TOP deck of the landing towards me. He'd climbed TWO stairs. He spent a good half hour this afternoon just going up and down a little step in our friend's garden, practising. I wish he'd hurry up and realise that the whole turning round and climbing down backwards off things is the most sensible way to get down again though, we're not trying to teach it him just for fun!

Home, tried to get a splinter out of Charley's foot (he likes being barefoot, he likes our splintery wooden floor, he loves outdoors, he's gonna end up with splinters), endured screaming, got the boys to bed.

Pam was still here when I surfaced. Steve had been attempting to show her around social media networking :D I made nutella mug cakes: never have I been more happy to find only one egg left in the cupboard! Coffee (decaf), chocolate cake, good conversation. Lovely way to end the day.

Need some toast now though!

As for the photo. The one I've gone with in the end (having only taken my phone out today) is Charley, accelerating towards the open front door of our friends' house this afternoon. I swear that child can sense an open door from around corners and opposite ends of the house. He also stole pitta bread off a child many months older than him: said child perhaps shouldn't have fed Charley a morsel and given him a taste....!

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