Learning styles

Wet & miserable today - steady fine drizzle fell for most of the morning and on and off for the afternoon, but I did manage to grab a dry moment.
On Milo duty again it did at least mean I could wander around the neighbours wood in relative dryness. Up at the top field the smell of cut grass was fabulous, the contrast in colours, even in a flat grey day, was fantastic, enhanced I think by looking out from under the darkened canopy.

Back to the First Aid courses today, with the presentations now all formatted I'm adding drop out sections, practical sessions and interesting little videos and anecdotes. I know that I struggle in a classroom, so I'm going to make sure that I mix it up as much as possible to maximise engagement. I've built a casebook of 'real life' scenarios, now I need to fit some of them in to context and learning outcomes for the participants.
As ever a daunting task has, like many an eaten elephant, been shrunken by time, endeavour and enthusiasm - I'm kinda looking forward to delivering them now.
A super early start tomorrow - off to the Alps for a v short visit, check on the apartment, coffee with friends and a day and a half of meetings. Normally I'd just be starting the drive out for my summer season, feels very strange to not be hitting the hills this year.

Philosophy Friday
Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.
Benjamin Franklin

(will anyone be quoting #45 in a hundred years....)

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