Knott Lane
It was a much cooler, darker and wetter start to today, not what we've come to expect.
It did however mean that the man cave was bearable to be in so I got a lot of admin done and then popped next door to have a play with Milo (the neighbours dog, I was on sitter duties).
After lunch I couldn't really face the office again, so I distracted myself in the garage making my catastrophic bleed tourniquet leg. The prototype had given me a few design tweaks, and the (nearly) finished product works really well 90% of the time- a bit like real life! It now just needs a legging to finish it off - it may well feature in a future blip.
When I emerged two things had happened, it had gotten a lot nicer and Pushka had found her bounce. So we headed along the lane to the little nature pond I've blipped before. Farmer Ed's work has paid off wonderfully, whilst our verges are really really special Knott Lane is now spectacular, the best collection of wildflowers in the parish. However I'm displaying the beauty in extras - simply because I've never seen a UK orchid with nearly a foot (30cm) of blooms. Incredible.
Then Home to pollard the cherry trees. This gardening lark is dashed hard work.
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