Birds eye primrose

Another x-ray guided injection deep into the shoulder joint today, they worked for the left, so I'm hoping they'll work for the right. As I'm not currently climbing its hard to tell.
I may, might just, probably have mentioned just how much I hate needles. Today however the surgeon and I both tried something new. The surgeon laid me down (he's quite rightly identified a fainting /vomiting possibility). I tried mindfully centering my self in my left ankle, as far from my right should as possible. I focused down and down, thought only of loosening ligaments and tensing tendons. I can't say it completely worked, but apparently neither my pulse or colour changed.

Super efficient as ever I was out far sooner than I thought, so able to do some chores and then head out for what was (a) a glorious walk & (b) ruined by flies. Bitey things everywhere. In the end I changed my plan to get a teensy bit higher and into a breeze. That change let me find these wonderful and increasingly rare little beauties.

Philosophy Friday
The reason so many people give up is that they tend to look at how far they still have to go, rather than how far they have come.

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