A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

A bit of everything

My head is overflowing with life so I didn't sleep very well last night. My own fault as I could have done something about it and for no good reason at all chose not to.

So a little jaded for such a full on day but it has all been good. And now I am headed to meet my lovely friend Marky Mark who I haven't seen in far too long for a glass of something cold and refreshing by the river.

The main theme of the rest of the day has been the NHS where my family truly got value for money and took far more than our fair share today:
- Anna had her thumb checked and is going back for an MRI in 2 weeks
- Jackson had a general check with a new doc at St Barts* (and a joyful height check - 175cm!!) and is going for a 12 hour day curve test in 2 weeks
- Carl went to the GP as he has been very unwell since Thursday (realised I have been so busy with other things and a man down I forgot to mention the man down bit)
- my dad went for a check following a skin cancer removal operation a few weeks ago and was thankfully informed they had taken it all out.

It's only the amount of tax we've paid over the years between us that stops me feeling terrible about it.

Lesley x

*I think we get a prize when we get the full set

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