Today was a holiday here, though it didn't start that way - with the usual 5am dash to the airport.
So, there was some napping required, before a quick trip to a local vide grenier (TallGirl paid way too much for a fish-related item, the bunnies got a new cage and CarbBoy won a hand-spinner by shooting balloons). The rest of the day was weeding for me, with a pause for a lie-down on a hard surface when it transpired that my shoulder injury has come back (though not such a hard surface that I didn't manage to nod off for a good half hour). There is a lot of physical work to get done just now, so this is badly timed.
An evening wander round the garden is always enjoyable, and it's good to see the apples developing well, despite my being a bit late with treating the little insects that make the leaves go funny.
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