Who Lives in a House Like This?

I have no idea!

I don't know where today's gone - I had an appointment at 9.15am at The Nuffield for physio on my ankle, then I came home and put a wash load on, too the boys for a walk, hung the washing out and then went to Alison's for lunch.  This afternoon I went to do a supermarket shop, put the shopping away, made the dinner and then finally got to sit in the garden.

It's been 25 degrees today!

This lovely house is in the village of Falmer - I stopped on my way home to see if there were any ducklings on the village pond, but there weren't so you got the house instead.

There's been a bad fire tonight, Alan spotted black plumes of smoke coming across the fields (see my extra).  According to local reports, it was a fire at a recycling plant in Lewes - fingers crossed nobody has been hurt!

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