Because this is who I am

By Brighde


So ladies and gents this is what we call 'crunch time'. 

Basically where we spend the next week and a half panicking insanely about getting all of our work finished. 

I mean, if any of us cared anymore- which we don't. Because uni is a farce but that's for another day.

This weekend my ever loving peach came to visit me which was so nice as I hadn't seen her all year! Honestly, quite terrible how life can get in the way from seeing your true pals. Pals being this gem up here. 

From the very beginning she's appeared on my blog. And for total humiliation purposes I have to link some. 
Number one.
Number two.
Number three.
Number four.
Number five.
And lastly...
Number six.

Yep, I think that'll be enough embarrassment for now. Makes me so pleased I have my blog because I've captured so many great moments here. Some that I will hold forever. 

Happy Blipping.

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