Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Up and Coming

Well, it's all happening that's for sure. 

In the last weeks of uni I am faced with the horrendous burden of actually having to make something. Not to worry, I have thought this through and I have started. However, making and writing 365 paper clay pages is feeling a bit crazy especially when I have three weeks and I'm only on 8th February. 

So as I write to you all I'm sitting on my sofa in my PJ's, watching some Netflix film about an atheist woman. I swear I will watch anything just to avoid thinking about uni. Not like I'm bitter. I do however have some super exciting things coming up after the Degree show. Which keeps my spirits up, plus it's (apparently) starting to get warmer. 

On wards and Upwards Ladies and Gents. 

Happy Blipping.

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