One Crowded Hour

By GlassRoad

love locks

Spent an hour or so at the Barrack Street jetty in the city this morning on a spectacular blue, sunny, water sparkling day.
The Jetty area is dominated by the Bell Tower around which is a reflection pool. In complete opposition to the giant tower are these padlocks hanging from chain links. Each is engraved with (usually) two names and sometimes a date. A tad baffled by this, the fellow cleaning the pool said 'they're love locks, and soon there will be strings of them all around the pool.'

So these are Lovelocks, and while very new to Perth, cities, towns, villages, beaches, bridges,riversides and mountain tops around the world are linked with lovelocks, like charms hanging from a bracelet.
Thought to be an old Chinese custom where lovers locked a padlock on a gate or chain and then threw away the key, it was symbolic of locking their love together.

Not what I was expecting to find today and so very simple and lovely.

Oh and a couple of the 'Jetty' lovelocks have tiny locks attached, engraved with a name and birth date. I guess as a baby arrives in the family.

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