
By mydayblipped


My 10 year old son loves lego. Actually who doesn't like's cool! I still like lego (even though they don't make certain bits like flowers, doors, windows, trees etc like they used to).

But. We have a rule in our house that there's no computer, no games console etc allowed on in the morning before school. Because quite simply, he would never get out the door. And if he had his way, he'd totally not go to school but stay at home and play these things all day every day.
So this morning, was a right carry on to get him out the door because he was playing with lego.

This is what he made.

Really cool and at least you can tell what it is. I hate it when he comes to me, proudly showing off a lego creation and I stand there thinking 'yeah but WHAT is it' but don't want to ask because he's so pleased with himself. I got that situation this morning (I'm backblipping)when he made a computer out of lego, complete with an on/off button!

Rest of the day was spent listening to various songs on youtube or digging out old CDs..ah the memories! :)

Watched the Great British Bakeoff. Ooooo it's getting tougher now!

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