
By mydayblipped


This is where I went today, to see the ENT doctors.
WHY do they insist on giving me appointment with registrars who clearly never know what to do with me?
Very frustrating!
Last visit, 8 months ago (which is a HUGE extension of time between appointments for me, normally range 2 weeks - 3 months at most) I saw a registrar who decided it would be a good idea to discharge me next visit. Um..I was born with a cleft which means my ears don't work properly, in fact they probably aren't formed properly and I have attended ENT clinic for regular checkups since I was born! Why would you want to discharge me now at the age of 35 when things are no better?

But never mind, today I saw a different registrar who just didn't know what to do with me. She was the first in a long time that hasn't been able to do microsuction and BY GOD it HURT! I was just about leaping out my skin in pain so she gave up.
Apparently I have no infection, btu I *know* there is something wrong, I'm sore, a lot of pressure, my hearing has dropped and the tinnitus is really bad.
But according to her I'm fine. But since she doesn't know what to do with me, she decided I must see the consultant.
So thank god I get to go back to a consultant who knows what they are doing (even if it was my choice of doctor than theirs...that mad consultant isn't getting anywhere near me!)
Back in 2 weeks for the nurse to try microsuction
Back in 4 weeks to see the consultant

So feeling worse, on the verge of bawling, I walked to the GP to see if I could get an appointment there, no, nothing until the 19th Sept.
So hot water bottle, ibuprofen, warm olive oil drops and I think I'll try some menthol crystals to see if that helps.

Other news, totally looking forward to my wedding anniversary.
For the first time ever, have booked for us to go away for a night in a hotel, four poster bed, big bath, log fire..I'm so there!

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