A Small Project

The furniture on this porch off our kitchen came with the house. I like the way the upholstered sectional looks out there on a beautiful spring day, but it is  effectively outside, since the roof leaks and the wind blows stuff everywhere, birds fly in and squirrels run all over the couches. The white covered cushions aren't removable, so they're  pretty impractical.

I sprayed all the cushions with a bleach solution, rubbed it with an old wash cloth and let it dry. I put all the throw pillows in the washing machine, a few at a time, and the dryer. As I did all this I wondered why having another living room with furniture that would be perfectly at home inside is a good idea.  I painted the top of the table with 'chalk paint' and coated it with 2 coats of clear wax and one coat of dark so it would look distressed. It was pretty distressed in the first place,, but not in a good way, which is why I painted it, so now I'm hoping it looks distressed in a good way. Definitely a first world problem....

While I did this, I listened for a second day to all the machinations and scurrying around in Washington...there are now at least three committees, all run by Republicans, claiming to want to 'get the facts' before they actually do anything. The facts seem pretty obvious to me, and they are scary. The head of our republic is a complete nut case.

We are going to see 'Hamilton' this Sunday. Amazing that a musical about the founding of the republic is so relevant and so popular today.

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